• ICIMOD publication


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战略规划 2030 齐心协力,应对挑战 [ICIMOD Strategy 2030: Moving Mountains] (in Chinese)

  • Summary


This is a pivotal moment in our history. The world around us is changing and here, on the top of the world, things are changing fast. We are witnessing rapid climate change, biodiversity loss, increased disaster risk, and rising poverty and inequality.


This strategy for 2023-2030 outlines how we will work to address these challenges and achieve our vision of a greener, more inclusive, and climate resilient Hindu Kush Himalaya. It has been developed in response to a request of our Board of Governors and International Support Group to raise our ambition, with ICIMOD@40 in 2023, and in the face of the climate and environment crises hitting the region.

该 2023-2030 年战略规划概述了我们将如何努力应对这些挑战并实现我们的愿景,即建设更绿色环保、更具包容性和能够适应适应气候变化的兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区。在2023 年即ICIMOD进入不惑之年,发布该战略来响应我们的理事会和国际支持小组的要求,以提振雄心,并面对该地区面临的气候和环境危机。

It draws on our learning from the last two plan periods, quinquennial reviews, and a broad-based strategy development process involving staff, donors, partners, and nodal agencies in the Regional Member Countries (RMCs).

它借鉴了我们从过去两个计划期间、五年一次的审查、并且充分听取了区域成员国 (RMCs) 广大员工、捐助方、伙伴单位和节点机构的广泛意见的基础上汲取经验制定的。

It describes our institutional theory of change and the impact areas and pathways that will guide our work to effect that change. It highlights the partnerships that will enable this change – with our eight RMCs; government, civil society, and private sector partners; and our donors and supporters across the world.

该战略文本阐述了ICIMOD的变革制度理论,以及将指引我们实现变革影响领域和途径的相关工作。它强调了将实现这一变革的合作伙伴关系——包括我们的八个区域成员国 (RMCs)的政府、民间组织和私营部门,以及世界各地的捐助者和支持者。

The strategy envisages a new and effective monitoring, evaluation and learning system in place to enable continuous learning, strategizing, and course correction, with an emphasis on learning from both success and failure. Lastly, it charts out the resource mobilisation goals that will enable climate action at scale in the RMCs.

该战略设想建立一个新的、有效的监测、评估和学习系统,以实现持续学习、制定战略和路线修正,重点从成功和失败中学习。最后,它制定了资源调动目标,以促进八个区域成员国 (RMCs) 大规模开展气候行动。


  • DOI:
  • Pages:
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  • Published Year:
  • Publisher Name:
    International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
  • Publisher Place:
    Kathmandu, Nepal