• ICIMOD publication


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Fourth Regional Hands-on Training on Community Based Flood Early Warning System; Proceedings

  • Summary

The training event ran for five days with multiple sessions, each focusing on meeting specific objectives and then the overall objective of imparting knowledge for the complete implementation of the CBFEWS. The first day covered the scoping, risk assessment and communication aspects of the CBFEWS, along with the gender facet. The second day was dedicated to familiarizing the participants with the CBFEWS instruments and giving them hands-on practice in assembling, operating and disassembling the instruments. The morning of the second day also saw discussions on the implementation maps prepared by the participants. On the third day, the participants carried out field-based installation of the instruments and dealt with different scenarios that occur on the field. On the fourth day, the sessions were on social mobilization, and technical implementation and operation; these sessions were followed by an evaluation exercise and a visit to the CBFEWS demo site at Khokana. On the fifth and last day of the training, the participants prepared action plans; this was followed by the closing ceremony where certificates and awards were distributed.

Main Record

  • DOI:
  • Pages:
  • Language:
  • Published Year:
  • Publisher Name:
    International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
  • Publisher Place:
    Kathmandu, Nepal
