Development is occurring against a backdrop of vulnerability to climate change. In order for development decisions to be sustainable in a changing climate they need to include choices and actions that modify climate change and its impacts and sustain development efforts over time. In the context of adaptation to climate change, adaptation pathways are proposed as a promising decision-focused approach to incorporate flexibility and account for future uncertainties (e.g. Haasnoot et al., 2013, Wise et al., 2014, Bosomworth et al., 2017). Adaptation pathways sequence measures over time and allow for progressive implementation depending on how the future unfolds, on the development of knowledge, and on stakeholder inputs and priorities. Other potentials are the ability to identify ‘no or low regrets’ interventions and to avoid lock-in, threshold effects, and maladaptive consequences. Thus, adaptation pathways may hold the promise to help plan and implement activities in an overall vision of development and climate change resilience.