• ICIMOD publication


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Strategic Innovations for Improving Pastoral Livelihoods in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Highlands; Volume II: Technical Papers

  • Richard, C.
  • Hoffmann, K.
  • Summary
  • Table of contents (13 chapters)

In May 2002, ICIMOD and the Tibetan Academy of Agriculture and Animal Sciences organised an international workshop on 'The Changing Face of Pastoralism in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan - Tibetan plateau Highlands', held in Lhasa, Tibet, as one of the contributions to the International Year of Mountains 2002. The meeting brought together more than 125 participants from 21 countries to build a mutual understanding of the realities of highland pastoralism in the HKH-Tibetan plateau: the factors that have contributed to marginalisation, the response, the challenges faced by development workers and policy makers, existing programmes and policies, and future policy strategies. These two volumes contain the proceedings of the workshop. Volume One describes ICIMOD's Regional Rangeland Programme and the rationale, objectives, and outcomes of the workshop. It provides summaries of 28 oral presentations on topics ranging from integrated pastoral production research, through various aspects of integrated development approaches, to participation as a driving force in the process of development and conservation initiatives. Twelve full papers are printed in Volume 2.This summary of discussions and papers will be of interest to all those concerned with helping the people of the rangelands to improve their livelihoods, and interested in the constraints and possibilities.

  • DOI:
  • Pages:
  • Language:
  • Published Year:
  • Publisher Name:
    International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
  • Publisher Place:
    Kathmandu, Nepal
  • External Link:
    Cover Image