• ICIMOD publication


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Leveraging the prospects and potential of OECMs for transboundary cooperation in the Hindu Kush Himalaya - Workshop proceedings

  • Ramesh Kathariya
  • Sunita Chaudhary
  • Samuel Thomas
  • Bibek Sharma
  • Bandana Shakya
  • Janita Gurung
  • Summary

Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) offer a platform to acknowledge the efforts and rights of diverse stakeholders, including Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs). They embrace a variety of conservation categories, facilitate opportunities for sharing and learning, and foster conservation cooperation among countries at the regional level.

The Hindu Kush Himalaya region, spanning the eastern, central, and western Himalayas, holds significant potential for regional cooperation and the establishment of transboundary OECMs.

However, there are barriers and challenges that must be addressed. These include conflicts and contestations at both national and community levels, limited awareness about OECMs, and insufficient recognition of IPLC contributions to conservation efforts.

A regional organization like ICIMOD has a pivotal role in advancing the OECM agenda. It can contribute by representing the region in global and regional forums, bridging the science-policy-practice gap, and serving as a platform for fostering regional alliances, fundraising, capacity building, and knowledge sharing.

Collaboration with the CBD Secretariat and other global partners is equally vital. Such partnerships can help advance policy and practice enablers, ensuring alignment with the objectives of the CBD while addressing regional conservation priorities.