Hukaung Valley Wildlife Sanctuary/Extension is the largest protected area in Myanmar, covering 17,373 sq. km. It is situated in northwest Myanmar and falls in Sagaing Division and Kachin State and protects a vast area of the Ayeyawardy and Chindwin river watersheds primarily within the Northern Triangle temperate and subtropical forest ecoregions. The sanctuary’s size is augmented by its contiguity with Namdapha National Park and Tiger Reserve of India to the north, and Bumphabum and Hponkan Razi wildlife sanctuaries of Myanmar to the east and northeast, respectively. This offers expansive habitats for globally threatened wildlife with large home ranges. Hukuang Valley is surrounded by steep mountain ranges to the north, east, and west and contains a mosaic of broadleaf forests and grassland habitats. It is a priority area for tiger and Asian elephant conservation. The protected and fringe areas have rich cultural diversity, with many ethnic groups inhabiting the area, including the Kachin, Naga, Lisu, and Shan.