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Waste segregation at source: A strategy to reduce waterlogging in Sylhet

  • Muntaha Rakib
  • Nabila Hye
  • A. K. Enamul Haque
  • Summary

Poor solid waste-management systems in cities in developing countries make them vulnerable to climate-induced risks. It has been pointed out in the literature that the waste management process needs to be holistic and inclusive from waste generation to disposal in order to make it efficient and sustainable. While women in their day-to-day activities at home play a critical role in waste management, they are often excluded in the public waste-management systems which are mainly managed by men. This research used women-centric approaches for motivating citizens using social and moral persuasion, economic incentives and social recognition to participate in municipal solid waste management. The findings indicate that the awareness campaign using motivational approaches eventually worked and that the women-centric approaches used are important for promoting home-based waste segregation at source. The study also revealed that a simple payment mechanism for waste disposal services at the household level is not enough to convert littered cities into clean cities. A women-centric approach also contributes to developing community-based solutions to adapt to climate-induced flooding and makes a city more resilient, addressing sustainable development goals.

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