• ICIMOD publication


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Capitalisation and Sharing of Experiences on the Interaction between Forest Policies and Land Use Patterns in Asia: Linking People with Resources; Volume 2: Technical Papers

  • Gyamtsho, P.
  • Singh, B. K.
  • Rasul, G.
  • Summary
  • Table of contents (17 chapters)

In 2005, SDC held a workshop on 'Capitalisation and Sharing of Experiences on the Interaction between Forest Policies and Land Use Patterns in Asia', in partnership with ICIMOD, RECOFTC, and GTZ. The aim was to improve policy and institutional frameworks for comparing and scaling up good practices in community-based natural resource management, with a focus on learning from community forestry in Nepal. These two volumes contain a summary of the proceedings. Topics include the regional and national status of community forestry and other initiatives like leasehold forestry and parks and protected area management in Nepal; social forestry in Bhutan; Guzara forestry in Pakistan; wetlands in China; and rangelands in Mongolia. Different approaches, models, and institutional arrangements; national-level policies; and micro-level experiences are examined. Flexibility in policies and laws to allow room for innovations at the community level was identified as a key ingredient for success; policy development should be based on research and lessons learned from the field.

  • DOI:
  • Language:
  • Published Year:
  • Publisher Name:
    International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
  • Publisher Place:
    Kathmandu, Nepal