• Non-ICIMOD publication


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News from the field: Nepal Program

  • Sherpa, A. R.
  • Summary
Director Brian Peniston from the Mountain Institute writes about news from the field. He had just returned from field trip to Jumla to assess the TMI’s ongoing PRRO programs, to explore community-based tourism and to assess the current water and health sanitation in eigth VDCs of Jumla district. The Mountain Institute Nepal program is pleased to announced that they received a one year grant from Pro-Public Victims from Switzerland to continue provide assistance to the farmers of Rasuwa and Dhading in central Nepal. Likewise, they have been asked to write full proposal on Improving Water Supply, Hand Washing and Food Security to Reduce Child Malnutrition in Jumla, which the due is on 30th April 2010. Mr. Richard Regan of WFP’s country representative has been nominated for TMI’s 4th Annual “Celebration of Mountain Gala” that will take place in October 2010.
  • Language:
  • Published Year:
  • Publisher Name:
    The Mountain Institute, Kathmandu, Nepal: http://www.mountain.org