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Restoring forests through carbon farming on Maori land in New Zealand/Aotearoa

  • Funk, J.
  • Kerr, S.
  • Summary
Forests perform a range of valuable environmental functions, such as sequestering carbon, controlling erosion, and sheltering a diversity of species. Traditional cultures such as the Maori in Aotearoa/New Zealand (NZ) have long seen forests as a source of livelihood. Recent policy innovations in response to environmental issues like climate change are creating markets for environmental services, leading to new opportunities to earn livelihoods from forests. The authors worked with indigenous Maori landowners in a rural area of NZ to implement a “carbon farming” project — a management system that encourages reforestation and generates marketable offsets for greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol. Their experience in establishing a carbon sequestration project sheds light on the factors affecting uptake and project success for other groups seeking to utilise these markets as a tool for sustainable development.
  • Published in:
    Mountain Research and Development, Vol 27, No 3, Aug 2007: 202?20: http://www.bioone.org/doi/pdf/10.1659/mrd.0921
  • Language:
  • Published Year:
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