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Ecosystem management: Some key initiatives by UNEP

  • Summary
Human well-being ultimately depends on the health of the ecosystems which envelope and sustain us. People exploit ecosystems for the food, water, and timber needed for everyday living. We depend on ecosystem processes to regulate natural cycles and keep diseases at bay. We rely on them for recreation, instruction and mental and spiritual enrichment.

UNEP places emphasis on strengthening national capacity for ecosystem management for human well-being by focusing on bundles of ecosystem services. This pamphlet highlights some key initiatives by UNEP to implement the ecosystem management programme in line with its Medium-Term Strategy (MTS) for the period 2010 – 2013. The MTS identifies six thematic priority areas, among them Ecosystem Management Programme.

The pamphlet features activities on restoration of degraded ecosystems, addressing deforestation and forest degradation, and adaptation to climate change, among others.
  • Language:
  • Publisher Name:
    United Nations Environment Programme: http://www.unep.org/Themes/Freshwater/PDF/Ecosystem_management-Some_key_initiatives_by_UNEP.pdf