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Drawing and Construction Guidelines: Natural Draught Zig-Zag Kiln

  • Summary
This construction drawing and guideline document is an output of the design manual and is based on the structural designs of Natural and Induced Draught Zig-Zag kilns proposed therein. The aim of this document is to provide step by step guidance in construction of these types of kilns so that they are structurally safe, earthquake-resistant, energy effi cient, lower emitting, worker-friendly for producing better quality bricks.

The step by step process for each items recommended in this construction guideline is based on research and consultation with experts on the subject by MinErgy Pvt Ltd and Federation of Nepal Brick Industries. This document is expected to serve to provide guidance to construction engineers and supervisors in the construction of aforementioned kilns. The content of this document is incorporates both practical experiences and scientific analysis.

The authors of this manual would appreciate if you could share your ideas and work experiences to further improve this construction document.

  • Pages:
    27. p
  • Language:
  • Published Year:
  • Publisher Name:
    Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Publisher Place: