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An Analysis of the Poverty Issue Existing During the Interim Period of Relocating Ethnic Minorities in Poor Mountainous Areas: Case of Relocating Local Residents for Poverty Alleviation in Yongren County, Yunnan Province

  • Lu, B. H.
  • Li, Y. M.
  • Summary
Annotation:::: The paper focuses on the political and legal analysis of mountain migration in remote areas of Yunnan province, and looks at possibilities for helping migrants to live and work so they can improve their standard of living. Under the local government of Yongren county, between 27 November 2001 to 30 July 2005, 7,561 people from 1,860 households were relocated from their home villages vulnerable to natural disasters to places with better living and production conditions.Using documental and empirical study to discuss and analyse the relocation of impoverished ethnic groups in mountains of Yongren county, Yunnan province, the paper finds that the best way to alleviate poverty among mountain migrants is to relocate them from remote and inaccessible mountain areas to places with relatively better living and production conditions. Poverty of migrants continues to persist in the interim period of relocation, and is mainly reflected in both economic terms and cultural psychology. The effective methods of alleviating migrant poverty in the interim period of relocation involve making rational policy, increasing channels for earning income, improving population quality, respecting ethnic culture, and guiding ethnic integration.
  • Published in:
    Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 27 (9)
  • Pages:
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  • Published Year:
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