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The Media Exposed That Spontaneous Migrants Had No Living Security in Kaiyuan City, Yunnan Province; the Local Official Responded That It Was a Statement Surpassing Fact

  • Cwyn
  • Summary
Annotation :::: On 24 February 2013, a certain media source released a news report titled “10,000 spontaneous immigrants of Kaiyuan city, Yunnan province mostly rely on self-healing while falling ill because they do not have local permanent registration residence”. This brought to public attention the situation of spontaneous Kaiyuan migrants who lacked local permanent registration residence. The report alleged that this group of people also did not have medical insurance, social security, and official certificates while getting married. Additionally they could not go far from home, take examinations, enter into cities for employment, deposit money in banks, or take a driving license test, and had rely on self-care while falling ill. As a result, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Committee of Kaiyuan city issued this response: “We really have spontaneous immigrants living here, but they cannot take up permanent registration residence due to the constraints of policy. According to the report on the internet, they mostly rely on self-healing while falling ill, and their children cannot go to school, but the report does not conform to the reality”.
  • Published in:
    Yunnan Net
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