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Surface Processes During Flash Floods in the Glaciated Terrain of Kedarnath, Garhwal Himalaya and Their Role in the Modification of Landforms

  • Singh, D. S.
  • Summary
Glaciers are considered as one of the best indicators of climate change and glacial landforms are analysed for the reconstruction of palaeoclimate. It has been noticed that the landforms keep on changing with time and space. However, no attention has been paid to this problem. The catastrophic event such as Kedarnath event of June 2013 is identified as one important process which modifies the landforms and landscape. The flash floods which initiated the new channels, activated the abandoned channels and raised the water of Mandakini River and caused bank erosion and deepening of the valley are the main process for devastation. The human encroachment in the natural events multiplied the damage.
  • Published in:
    Current Science (00113891), 106 (4)
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