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Impacts on mixed mountain agriculture in the Rupal valley, Nanga Parbat, Northern Pakistan

  • Nusser, M.
  • Clemens, J.
  • Summary

In the Hindukush, Karakorum, and northwest Himalaya the struggle for subsistence by mountain farmers is based on agriculture and animal husbandry in the form of mixed mountain agriculture. This study analyses the seasonal pastoral migrations to alpine pastures as a strategy for utilizing the natural resources in the Rupal Valley, south of Nanga Parbat (8,126 m). Traditionally, this strategy of resource management was sustainable, but increases of population and livestock as well as external innovations are rapidly effecting change throughout the region. However, the results of this development vary according to the potential for off-farm employment and access to modern infrastructure in each valley. In Hunza, approximately 100 km north of Rupal, the utilization of alpine pastures decreased following a significant reduction of the male workforce and, after the introduction of cash crops and fodder cultivation, cropping patterns changed. Agriculture in the Rupal Valley during the last 20 years is characterized by an increase in animal husbandry and pastoral movements. Although there is also off-farm employment, it is more likely that animal husbandry will remain an important part of the agro-pastoral economy and there is potential for its commercialization. développement varient selon le potentiel d'emploi non rural et l'accès à l'infrastructure moderne de chaque vallée. Dans l'Hunza, à environ 100 km au nord de Rupal, l'utilisation des pâturages alpins a diminué par suite d'une réduction importante de la main-d'œuvre mâle, et les modes de culture ont changé après l'introduction de cultures commerciales et de la culture du fourrage. L'agriculture dans la vallée de Rupal au cours des 20 dernières années est caractérisée par une augmentation de l'élevage des animaux et des déplacements pastoraux. Bien qu'un l'emploi non rural existe, il est probable que l'élevage des animaux continuera à tenir une place importante dans l'économie agro-pastorale et qu'un potentiel existe pour sa commercialisation.

  • Published in:
    Mountain Research and Development, Vol.16, No. 2
  • Language:
  • Published Year:
  • Call Number:
    Indus Basin Initiative, IKPP, Irrigation
  • External Link:
    External link