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On the optimal allocation of green technology under climate change agreements

  • Schüller, D.
  • Summary
This report investigates whether a technology transfer mechanism can help to reach a cooperative outcome, in a game on a climate change treaty that involves emission caps for both developed and developing countries. A climate change treaty without the inclusion of developing countries and their acceptance of emission limits is likely to be ineffective. Too little research and development of green-technology is currently undertaken, considering its potential global impact, especially in developing countries. Analyzing a simple game with two asymmetric players, a tentative result is that the technology-transfer mechanism considered here cannot help to establish the cooperative outcome as a Nash-equilibrium. However, the inclusion of secondary benefits in the payoff function, which are likely to occur when such a transfer takes place, could change this result.
  • Language:
  • Published Year:
  • Publisher Name:
    FNI Report 8/2009, Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Lysaker, Norway: http://www.fni.no/doc&pdf/FNI-R0809.pdf