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The Bali road map: Key issues under negotiation

  • Summary
The UNDP Environment & Energy Group has launched a groundbreaking project to strengthen the national capacity of developing countries to assess climate change policy options across different sectors and economic activities, which could serve as inputs to their national positions under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The thirteen countries currently participating - Algeria, Gambia, Niger, Namibia, Turkmenistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Togo and Liberia - will identify up to three key sectors in preparation for a national inter-ministerial workshop on national climate actions and the Bali Action Plan. With support from UNDP and international and regional centres of excellence, countries will then undertake an assessment of investment and financial flows to address climate change - both current and projected - for their key sectors. This assessment will provide a better understanding of the magnitude and intensity of national efforts needed to tackle climate change, as well as provide more accurate estimates of the funds needed to implement mitigation and adaptation actions. Also held in French.
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    UNDP 2008English version: http://www.undp.org/climatechange/docs/English/Bali_Road_Map_Key_Issues_Under_Negotiation.pdf;