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Trade, environment and development: Import of flowers from Africa to Norway

  • Haug, R.
  • Ohna, I.
  • Jens, A.
  • Suma, M.
  • Summary
How can increased African agricultural imports achieve environmental sustainability? This study examines how it is possible to increase import of agricultural products from low income sub-Saharan African countries to Norway by benefiting from zero tariffs. The authors also consider how this can be achieved in a way that is environmentally sustainable and contributes towards poverty reduction. The import of roses from Africa to Norway has increased substantially during the last years, one important reason being the importer Mester Grønn.

This document uses the Mester Grønn example as a case study. It highlights how the roses produced in Tanzania are transported to Norway by air also have lower emissions than roses produced and sold in Norway. This study assesses reasons why the import of African roses by Mester Grønn has been a success and what lessons can be learned for import of other agricultural products from Africa to Norway. The study concludes with the following key points: - in order to reach the Norwegian market, low-income African countries need to find partners in Norway who are willing to invest in the whole market chain from production to consumer, either on their own or by linking with other professional actors;- the Norwegian government could provide better incentives to Norwegian agro-business to team up with partners in low-income African countries;- to the degree that it is possible to find ways of having both farmers and the private sector in Norway and in low-income African countries benefit from collaboration and increased import to Norway, the prospects for success will be greater.
  • Language:
  • Published Year:
  • Publisher Name:
    Noragric, Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences Noragric Report No. 43 May 2008
