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Al Hima: A way of life

  • Summary
The Hima is a traditional system of resource tenure that has been practiced for more than 1400 years in the Arabian Peninsular. With the numerous deteriorations that came and halted advancement in the Arab world, and at times for different reasons, the Hima also declined. The progressive concepts of the Hima became hav been masked by the general regression suffered in the region and the recent advances accomplished by other countries, civilizations and people. This digital book brings back recognition for the positive contributions that traditional knowledge and ingenious approaches of this region had brought and can still give to development and conservation.

The book presents these traditional approaches as a tool that existed and can still exist to advance the conservation and poverty paradigms and to meet upcoming challenges related to conflicts and climate change, as the concept of Hima emphasises is closely linked to resilience. The authors outline how the most successful revival attempts to date have taken place in Lebanon where the Hima efforts aim to complement conservation efforts not to replace them. Various other regional advances are discussed in countries including Iran and Indonesia. The authors highlight that to be Hima, a protected area should:
  • be constituted by a legitimate authoritative body;
  • be established in the Way of God, for purposes pertaining to public welfare;
  • not cause undue hardship to local people and not deprive them of resources that are indispensable to their subsistence;
  • realise greater actual benefits to society than detriments.
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    International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (World Conservation Union): http://cmsdata.iucn.org/downloads/al_hima.pdf