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Water quality of Kodku Khola, Lalitpur, Nepal

  • Maharjan, L. D.
  • Summary
The quality and quantity of drinking water have received considerable attention recently. Analyzing demand and shrinking supplies illustrate that our progress towards sustainable management of this vital resource has been inadequate The kodku Khola that was taken for analyzing water quality of the river is entirely focused on acquiring information about the Kodku Khola Watershed in reference to drinking water. The study and analysis of existing water quality from each source were essential to predict the after-storage quality, as well as the selection of water treatment processes. The main task is to analysis the basic quality requirements. The basic requirements for portable water were analyzed to find out if the water were free from pathogenic organisms, containing low concentrations of compounds that are acutely toxic or that have serious long-term effects, Clear, Not saline (salty), Free of compounds that cause offensive taste or odor and Non corrosive, nor should it cause staining of clothes.
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