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Ginger processing

  • Ali, S. A.
  • Summary
Ginger is an upright tropical plant (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) that grows to about 1 metre tall. It originated in India and is now produced in tropical climates throughout the world; China, Taiwan, Nigeria, Jamaica, Mauritius and Australia are the major producers. The largest markets for ground ginger are the United Kingdom, Yemen, the USA, Middle East, Singapore and Malaysia. The edible parts of the plant are the rhizome (at the base of the stem) and the young tender stem. Dried ginger spice is produced from the mature rhizome. As the rhizome matures the flavour and aroma become much stronger. Dried ginger is exported, usually in large pieces which are ground into a spice in the country of destination. Dried ginger can be ground and used directly as a spice and also for the extraction of ginger oil and ginger oleoresin. This brief outlines the important steps that should be taken pre-harvest and post-harvest to produce dried ginger.
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    Practical Action, Technical Brief: http://practicalaction.org/practicalanswers/product_info.php?products_id=97