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Global Change in Mountain Regions (GLOCHAMORE) Research strategy

  • Gurung, A. B.
  • Summary

The Global Change and Mountain Regions (GLOCHAMORE) Research Strategy has been developed to guide managers of Mountain Biosphere Reserves (MBRs) and scientists in planning and implementing global change research.

The research strategy is the outcome of 5 workshops and the final Open Science Conference. In December 2005, the Research Strategy was sent to all people who have been involved in the development process and to other individuals interested in the topic inviting further comments.

The GLOCHAMORE project responded to the increasing need to understand the causes and impacts of Global Changes in mountain regions. It has been developed to guide managers of Mountain Biosphere Reserves (MBRs) and scientists in planning and implementing global change research. Specifically, the GLOCHAMORE project aimed to develop a research strategy for Global Change research in mountain regions with the explicit goal of implementing the strategy in these sites around the world.

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    Prepared by the GLOCHAMORE Consortium - joint project of the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI), UNESCOMAB and IHP, and the EU Framework Programme 6. Project workshop proceedings http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001471/147170E.pdf