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ICT for poverty reduction: Myths, realities and development implications

  • Gerster, R.
  • Fuchs, R.
  • Swaminathan, M. S.
  • Fonseca, C.
  • Summary
On the occasion of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva in December 2003 the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC) and the Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) organised the ICT for Development Platform. The wealth of information and insights collected during the platform days is made available in a book "ICT4D – Connecting People for a Better World. Lessons, Innovations and Perspectives of ICTs in Development" edited by Gerolf Weigel and Daniele Waldburger. The platform comprised a number of expert panels, among them one on ICT for poverty reduction.

The report on "A future within reach" is part (chapter 7) of book of which an online version is accessible at www.globalknowledge.org.
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    Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) of the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Berne: http://www.gersterconsulting.ch/docs/ICT4D_Book_part_7_ICT_for_Poverty_Reduction.pdf