• Non-ICIMOD publication


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Conservation Agriculture and rural development: Experiences in El Salvador

  • Wambeke, J. V.
  • Vieira, M.
  • Summary
Besides knowledge, technologies and supplies, adoption of Conservation Agriculture (CA) needs a favourable (policy) environment, motivation and participation of farmers and their communities. The presence of leaders and/or farmers’ organisations is important for knowledge sharing and capacity building. The combination of all these parameters with CA at catchment level results in sustainable rural development based on the integrated management of natural resources. The expectation of increased yields and the increased awareness of the value of appropriate crop residues management as a soil conservation measure are the main reasons given by farmers for not burning crop residues when preparing their fields. Although many farmers were initially sceptical about changing from burning crop residues to more conservationoriented soil management, full adoption of the technological package was achieved in just 10 years. Both the successful agricultural extension programme and the link between practical recommendations, incentives and restrictions were key elements that induced this change in soil management.
  • Published in:
    Leisa Magazine, 18.3, October 2002: http://latinoamerica.leisa.info/index.php?url=show-blob-html.tpl&p[o_id]=12603&p[a_id]=211&p[a_seq]=1
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