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A social dynamics on launching Safa tempos in Kathmandu Valley: A campaign against the air pollution

  • Roy, R.
  • Gurung, S.
  • Bam, P.
  • Summary
Safa Tempos (Electrical Vehicles-EVs) have existed as a new phenomenon influencing the Kathmandu Valley in reducing the air pollution considerably. Besides, the movement can be taken as a concrete initiative advanced as a campaign against air pollution in a way that was never done before. They are environmental friendly and the only operating vehicles having zero emission. The success story of Safa Tempo as we see today is _x0018_ by default and not by design_x0019_. The objective of the study is to examine the social dynamics on launching Safa Tempo in the Kathmandu Valley on the basis of the Cultural Theory. In the theory, the social actors who are involved in supporting, opposing, questioning and controlling on launching Safa Tempo in the Kathmandu Valley can be categorized into four groups: Individualist, Egalitarian, Hierarchic and Fatalist. It is clearly seen that the stand of the social actors are dynamics as they change their position according to the pressure from without.
  • Published in:
    Roy, R, Gurung, S and Bam, P. 2001. A Social Dynamics on Launching Safa Tempos in Kathmandu Valley: A Campaign Against the Air Pollution, A Journal of the Environment, Ministry of Population and Environment (HMGN), Vol.: 6, No.: 7, Pp.: 89-95, Kathmandu, Nepal.
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